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Ethidium bromide solution 1 %, 10 ml, glass, 1 x 10 ml
£16.73 excl. tax 2218.1Ethidium bromide solution 1 % 1 % solution in water (10 mg/ml) -
Elution Tubes ROTI® MINI in stabilising solution, 1 unit(s)
£16.73 excl. tax 9284.1ROTI®elution Tubes MINI 25 10-250 µl -
Stopper with standard taper plastic, 19/26, blue
£16.73 excl. tax AKK0.1Standard ground glass joint stoppers, PE NS 19/26, insert blue -
Transition piece with olive Straight tubing olive, 24/29
£16.73 excl. tax CA82.1Adapter with olive, DURAN® tubing olive straight, core 24/29 -
Waste bags BIO compostable, 35 l, 500 x 600 mm
£16.73 excl. tax HYY1.1BIO refuse bags, white, 35 l, compostable, 500 x 600 mm -
Disposable gowns made of PP with pockets, 10 unit(s)
£16.73 excl. tax KE77.1Disposable coats, PP, white with 2 pockets, snap-fasteners, size L -
Disposable gowns made of PP with pockets, 10 unit(s)
£16.73 excl. tax KE78.1Disposable coats, PP, white with 2 pockets, snap-fasteners, size XL -
Disposable gowns made of PP with pockets, 10 unit(s)
£16.73 excl. tax KE79.1Disposable coats, PP, white with 2 pockets, snap-fasteners, size XXL