Laboratories deal with a selection of chemicals with different storage and handling requirements. However, one important factor that sometimes goes unnoticed is the correct handling of expired lab chemicals. Incorrect handling of these chemicals can lead to safety hazards and environmental harm. Throughout this blog, you can explore the best ways to handle expired lab chemicals, from identifying to disposing of and replacing them safely and correctly.
How To Identify Expired Chemicals
Correctly identifying expired chemicals is the way to manage expired lab chemicals correctly. Below is how this can be completed successfully.
Checking The Expiration Date
1 – On each individual chemical, the manufacturer’s expiration date will be stated. If the date given has already passed, the chemical is considered to be expired.
2 – However, if a chemical doesn’t clearly show an expiration date, you can refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS), which can include this information.
Checking For Signs of Change
In some cases, chemicals can degrade even before the stated expiration date, which can happen due to poorer storage conditions or exposure to different factors such as air or light. Checking for these signs when handling expired lab chemicals is important to look for the following.
1 – Changes in colour, shape or overall appearance
2 – Changes in smells, having a stronger and strange scent.
Creating a Chemical Inventory System
Creating a chemical inventory system to help manage and track what chemicals are in different areas or shelves and storage. This can help you become aware of upcoming expiration dates to ensure that handling expired lab chemicals is an easy experience. This can be done by labelling all chemicals with the dates stated when they were purchased, opening and the expiration date to maintain safety at all times.
How to safely dispose of expired chemicals
Handling expired lab chemicals requires strict compliance with safety protocols and local, national, and international rules and regulations to ensure correct disposal and environmental protection. Below are some of the best ways to handle expired lab chemicals.
Consulting the SDS
Referring to the SDS will provide specific disposable guidelines for each chemical and include information on whether the chemical is considered ‘hazardous waste’.
Categorising The Waste
When identifying whether the chemical is hazardous or non-hazardous, it is important to understand the following factors.
1 – Hazardous Chemicals: Hazardous chemicals are flammable, reactive and corrosive when in the wrong environment.
2 – Non-hazardous Chemicals: Non-hazardous chemicals can be disposed of with simpler protocols.
Coordinate with Disposal Services
Working alongside licensed chemical waste disposal companies to ensure safe handling companies which specialise in recycling or burning hazardous chemicals.
Following Regulatory Guidelines
When handling and disposing of hazardous waste, follow the rules set by regulatory bodies such as OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), or your local authorities.
Preventing Contamination
Use the correct and sealed containers to prevent leaks or spills during transportation and disposal to prevent cross-contamination of the chemicals.
Implementing and understanding the importance of these best practices for handling expired lab chemicals can help you maintain safety and prevent contamination.
Knowing How To Replace Expired Chemicals
Once you have safely and correctly disposed of your expired lab chemicals, it is time to update your stock. Below are some of the best ways to handle expired lab chemicals to ensure your lab operates correctly.
Evaluating Usage Needs
Before you reorder the previous chemicals, it is important to review how much the chemical is being used to see how much will be needed and to prevent future expiration to minimise waste.
Choosing Reliable Suppliers
Purchasing chemicals from reliable suppliers who provide high-quality products with clear expiration dates and storage recommendations for an easier experience.
Consider Alternatives
Exploring safer and stable options for environmentally friendly alternatives when replacing expired chemicals.
By following the above, you can effectively manage your products and understand the best ways to handle expired lab chemicals to ensure a safe and effective outcome during lab usage.
Best ways to handle chemicals
Minimalising the risks associated with handling expired lab chemicals requires proactive measures. Having the correct storage and following recommended conditions for temperatures and light exposure are important. Correctly training staff thoroughly when working with chemicals to handle storage and regular disposal to ensure safety. The use of regular inspections of used storage areas can help to identify and handle potential issues, from the use of detailed records of chemical inventories such as purchase usage and disposal to keep you organised and up to date.
Handling expired lab chemicals is important for safety and compliance in laboratories. You can minimise risks by correctly identifying, disposing of, and replacing expired chemicals to ensure efficient operations. Through proactive measures like maintaining a checklist system and training staff help maintain a safe environment.
For more tips, guidance, and solutions, contact Techmate today and ensure your lab operates at its best!