• Nunc Labware

Cryotube 2D Barcode Bagged 5ml PP PK 24

£499.59 excl. tax £299.75 excl. tax


  • Nunc Labware
*** 40% OFF SALE ***
SKU: 374322 Category: Brand:


Thermo Nunc Universal Cryotube Wide mouth provides easy access using forceps for adding approximately three 1-mm sections of tissue, plant material, or other solid sample for storage. Tube Polypropylene Closure HDPE Volume 4.5ml Temp. Range -180°c – 121°c Sterile Yes Screwtop cap features single piece construction with an integrated polypropylene gasket which means it cannot be over-tightened by hand. The gasketed cap and tube are compatible with storage at room temperature through the vapor phase of liquid nitrogen. Printed graduations, and white writable surface for manual sample identification.