• Nalgene Labware

Barbed Bulkhead Fitting PP 1/4″ PK 2

£23.82 excl. tax £14.29 excl. tax


  • Nalgene Labware
*** 40% OFF SALE ***


All-plastic fitting permits retrofitting of most NALGENE and other manufacturers’ closures for liquid transfer. Unique fitting with two barbed ends is useful wherever tubing must be attached on both ends. To install, simply drill two 5/8-inch (16-mm) diameter holes in closure, insert fittings, tighten, and attach tubing. Comes with complete directions and template for installation. Gasket and nut assemblies provide leakproof service. 53B Closure will accept two 1/4 inch fittings, but not 1/2 inch fittings. 83B closure accepts two of either size. Can be sterilized by autoclave, gas or chemical methods. For vacuum applications, use with NALGENE heavy-duty vacuum bottle or carboy Cat. No. 2126 and 2226.

Nalgene products have different lead times depending on stock status.